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Coursera Project made with Unity 2020. Bit of a disclaimer: this is my first 3D game, and I started developing games about 4-5 months ago and mostly 2D games.

I have changed pretty much everything, and kept very few of the original assets (like 3-4 scripts). I have used free-to-use assets from the Unity store, Free3DKenney, OpenGameArt, GamesIcon. Big kudos to those who developed these assets. They're too many to be named, but they're the real MVPs.

Keeping any of the assets provided by MSU would have clashed with the them I had in mind, hence changing everything was necessary. Enemies are equally divided between melee and ranged, and each of the three fighting levels (there are a prologue and epilogue) conclude with a boss or bosses.

I decided to go for a Norse theme instead of the space/alien theme given by the course's instructors. I also decided to tell a story, adding a layer of mystery through the lore.

Started learning C# script, with varying degrees of failure XD Man, doing this stuff on your own is rough.

Most if not all of my thanks go to Neemriel by whom I ran ideas, who also provided support and guidance (and F-ton of patience during playtesting!) all the way through. You rock, you whaleslapper you!

Credits (c) Alcarnarmo 2022


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Glad you enjoyed it!

You realy need to develop this idea!